承諾函(Letter of Undertaking,簡稱LOU)是實務中的重要法律文件,用於明確表達一方願意採取或避免特定行動的承諾。無論是法務部門處理合約執行或爭議解決,還是法遵部門推動或申請特定業務時,LOU都扮演著不可或缺的關鍵角色。
承諾函與上一篇提到的同意函(Consent Letter)雖然有相似之處,但兩者在性質上存在明顯差異:
例如,當出貨廠商A向客戶B方要求延期完工時,A方出具承諾函,寫明:We undertake to complete the Project by 1.1.2026. (我方承諾將於1.1.2026完成本專案),這內容對A方產生法律上的義務。而B方這邊呢?出具的則是同意函,寫明:We consent to extend the delivery deadline to 1.1.2026.(我方同意截止日延至1.1.2026),這內容並不對B方產生任何法律上義務。
範例1:船東互保協會為海事污染事故出具 LOU
A船舶在港口水域發生一起疑似油污染事件。當地港口當局依據相關法律扣押了A船舶。為了使A船舶能夠迅速恢復營運,同時確保索賠方(通常是當地政府)的權益,A船東所屬的船東互保協會(P&I Club,提供船東責任險)同意出具承諾函作為財務擔保,以待後續責任認定或和解協商。
提供 LOU 的原因:
該承諾函作為船舶釋放的條件,避免了A船舶因扣押而造成的營運延誤,又給了擔心追不到錢的的當地港口政府一個保障——也就是在裁判或裁定成立的情況下能夠獲得賠償。當然,是否可以約定最高限額,以及遊戲規則——準據法與管轄法院或解決紛爭單位,都是雙方角力的結果。同時,承諾函中的「不影響其他權利條款」(Non-Prejudice Clause) 確保P&I協會及船東的法律權利不會受到損害。
LOU 關鍵內容:
付款承諾 Payment Undertaking:
We undertake to pay you within 14 days of your first written demand a sum as may be agreed upon between the parties or as determined by the [name of court or arbitration body], as being due to you, provided that such sum does not exceed [maximum amount], plus costs and interest.
準據法與管轄法院 Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
This undertaking is governed by and construed in accordance with [applicable law], and all disputes arising hereunder shall be referred to [arbitration body or court].
不影響其他權利條款 Non-Prejudice Clause:
This letter of undertaking is issued without prejudice to the defenses and rights, including limitation rights under [jurisdiction] law, available to the owners, managers, and charterers of the said vessel. This letter shall not be construed as an admission of liability in respect of the said claims.
Dear [Recipient],
In consideration of and upon the condition that you release the vessel [Vessel Name] from arrest and refrain from any future actions of arrest or detention of the vessel, or any other associated ships or properties under the same ownership, management, or control, in connection with your claims related to [specific incident], we, [P&I Club Name], hereby undertake as follows:
完整納入本範例LOU關鍵內容,包括:1. 付款承諾 Payment Undertaking,2. 準據法與管轄法院 Governing Law and Jurisdiction 以及 3. 不影響其他權利條款 Non-Prejudice Clause。
Please confirm your acknowledgment of this letter and provide a copy of the release documents. 請確認您已收到本函,並提供解除扣押相關文件的副本。
Yours faithfully,
XXX 敬上
範例2:美科技產品買方為遵循出口管制出具 LOU
台灣某公司(買方)與美國高科技產品供應商(賣方)簽訂了一份供貨合約,涉及受美國出口管理條例(Export Administration Regulations, EAR)管制的雙重用途產品(Dual-use Item,也就是軍商兩用)及技術交易。為確保合規並降低法律風險,賣方要求買方出具承諾函,以聲明其遵守所有適用的出口管制規定,包括美國財政部海外資產控制辦公室(OFAC)和商務部工業與安全局(BIS)的相關法規。
提供 LOU 的原因:
在本例中,美商供應商賣方,或是其貨源來自美國的賣方,在收到買方出具的LOU後,如果日後美國政府查到買方的聲明不實或有違反保證行為,持有LOU的賣方可以免責。至於有違法情事、出具不實聲明或不願配合稽查的廠商,則有可能被美國放入「拒絕交易清單」(Denied Persons List,這是針對個人)、「實體清單」(Entity List)、「未經核實清單」(Unverified List),造成交易上往來困難,甚至沒人敢跟你做生意;不但如此,還得面臨美國商務部工業與安全局的行政裁罰,甚至美國司法部(DOJ)的刑事追訴,不可不慎。
LOU 關鍵內容:
承諾遵循出口管制 Export Control Undertaking
We, [Buyer Name], hereby represent and warrant that:
(i) We are not listed on any Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List ("SDN List") published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), nor are we directly or indirectly owned or controlled by any individual or entity listed therein.
(i) 我方未被列入美國海外資產控制辦公室(OFAC)發布的「特別指定國民和被封鎖人員名單」(SDN List),且未由被此名單內的個人或實體直接或間接擁有或控制;
(ii) We will ensure that all products, technologies, and services acquired from [Supplier Name] under this agreement will be used, distributed, or reexported in strict compliance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and other applicable U.S. export control laws.
(ii) 我方將確保根據本協議從【供應商名稱】取得的所有產品、技術及服務,將嚴格依照美國出口管理條例(EAR)及其他適用的美國出口管制法律進行使用、經銷或再出口;
(iii) We acknowledge the authority of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to conduct End-Use Checks (EUCs) on the products, technologies, or services provided under this agreement. We agree to fully cooperate with BIS during any such verification process, whether conducted as a Pre-License Check (PLC) or a Post-Shipment Verification (PSV).
(iii) 我方了解美國商務部工業與安全局(BIS)有權對本協議下提供的產品、技術或服務進行終端使用檢查(EUC),包括許可前檢查(PLC)及出貨後核查(PSV)。我方同意在上述任何檢查中全力配合;
(iv) We will utilize BIS’s "Know Your Customer" guidance and "Red Flags" checklist to prevent any potential violations of U.S. export control regulations, ensuring that no items are diverted to unauthorized destinations, end uses, or parties.
(iv) 我方將遵循BIS的「瞭解您的客戶」(Know Your Customer)指導及「警示標誌」(Red Flags)清單,防止任何潛在的美國出口管制規範違規行為,並確保商品不被轉運至未經授權的地點、用途或對象。
2. 違反合規後果 Liability for Non-Compliance
In the event of any non-compliance or false representation in connection with this undertaking, [Buyer Name] acknowledges that we may be subject to regulatory actions or penalties, including but not limited to placement on BIS’s Unverified List or Entity List, as well as enforcement actions under the EAR.
若因本承諾函相關內容出現任何不符或不實聲明,【買方】知悉我方可能面臨監管措施或處罰,包括但不限於被列入BIS的未經核實名單(Unverified List)或實體名單(Entity List),以及EAR下的執法行動。
Dear [Recipient],
In consideration of your agreement to supply products and technologies as per the [Supply Agreement Name], we, [Buyer Name], hereby undertake and confirm as follows:
完整納入本範例LOU關鍵內容,包括:1. 承諾遵循出口管制 Export Control Undertaking,以及 2. 違反合規後果 Liability for Non-Compliance。
Please confirm your acknowledgment of this letter and provide confirmation of the agreed supply arrangement.
Yours faithfully,
XXX 敬上
從本文探討的海事污染事故與出口管制遵循這兩個實例中,我們可以看到承諾函在不同領域的重要性。在海事糾紛中,承諾函能有效平衡各方利益,保障索賠方權益,有效降低經濟損失;在出口管制領域,承諾函則是建立買賣雙方互信的關鍵工具,確保雙方遵循國際貿易規範,並建立完善的法遵機制。在實務上,保證函 LOA(Letter of Assurance)與擔保函 LOI(Letter of Indemnity)等類似文件,雖然名稱不同,也都與 LOU 具有相同的核心功能——即確立明確的法律義務與責任。希望本文提供的範例,能協助讀者在實務運用時,擬定一份措辭精準、保障周全、且具有實質法律效力的承諾文件。
「Taiwan - Country Commercial Guide」(Jan. 17, 2024)https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/taiwan-us-export-controls。