不要用「shall be the property of」的字眼來移轉智財權!看蘋果的血淋淋案例 Time to Drop off Ambiguous IP Assignment Language
去年秋天我寫了一篇《小心!別在條文中錯加了一個 shall,把立即生效變成未來承諾 Watch Out! Do You Really Need "SHALL" in the Clause》,最近我又對客戶出了一些類似的「改稿建議」。
為了佐證「小心使用 shall 」這事,我們來看看 2021 年加州法律圈關注在「助動詞 Shall」的一個案子:Omni Medsci, Inc. v. Apple Inc., Nos. 2020-1715, 2020-1716 (Fed. Cir. August 2, 2021。以下摘錄的英文原文,全部都可以在這份判決中找到。其實當時這個判決一出,就有好多律所與 IP 法網站討論這個議題,如果只想看一頁而非三十頁,我推薦這篇由這間美國律所寫的 The Language “Shall Be the Property Of” Is a Promise of Future Assignment—Not a Present Automatic Transfer of Intellectual。
這案子主要關注的是一份大學與教授間的內部細則(Bylaw),背景簡單來說是這樣的:有位密西根大學(University of Michigan, UM)的教授(Dr. Islam)研發了專利,並在 2013 年把這個專利轉讓給了Omni 公司這家藥廠。一轉眼到了 2018 年,Omni 針對這個專利控告蘋果侵權(asserting infringement of U.S. Patent),在被告蘋果撤銷動議(motion to dismiss) 中,提出按照 2011 年教授與大學間簽署的僱傭合約中,教授需要遵守密西根大學內部細則(UM bylaw)。那現在讓我們來看看,本案關鍵的細則第 3.10 條第 1 項,到底長什麼樣子吧!
英文原文:Patents and copyrights…and all royalties or other revenues derived therefrom shall be the property of the University.
Apple specifically argued that paragraph 1 of bylaw 3.10 automatically transferred legal title to the patents at issue to UM, leaving Dr. Islam with no rights in the invention to assign to Omni.(蘋果聲稱,根據細則第 3.10 條第 1 項,該爭議專利之所有權已自動移轉予密西根大學,故自始 Islam 教授無權將該發明移轉予 Omni 公司。)
蘋果的如意算盤打的是,既然教授未能移轉所有權予 Omni 公司,那原告 Omni 公司便缺乏當事人適格(lack of standing),拜託法院快點叫原告打道回府!息事寧人!不料,第一審法院怎麼說的呢?
The Eastern District of Texas concluded that paragraph 1 of bylaw 3.10 was not a present automatic assignment of title, but, at most, a statement of a future intention to assign.(德州聯邦地院認為,細則第 3.10 條第 1 項不代表所有權在當下自動發生,最多僅作為表達有意在未來轉讓的聲明。)
Omni’s standing to assert the patents at issue turns on whether it has an exclusionary right in the asserted patents. This turns on a legal question of contract interpretation: whether paragraph 1 of bylaw 3.10 automatically and presently assigned legal title of Dr. Islam’s inventions to UM.
Omni 在本案的當事人適格取決於其是否擁有系爭專利的專屬權。這須視在法律上的契約解釋而定:細則第 3.10 條第 1 項,是否在當下自動將 Islam 教授的發明物所有權轉讓予密西根大學。
A patent assignment clause may presently assign a to-be-issued patent automatically—in which case no further acts to effectuate the assignment are necessary—or may merely promise to assign the patent in the future.
第三步:上訴法院認定的結果:這句 Shall be 不是在講當下,是在指未來
We conclude that paragraph 1 of bylaw 3.10 is most naturally read as a statement of intended disposition and a promise of a potential future assignment, not as a present automatic transfer.
我們認為,細則第 3.10 條第 1 項最自然的解讀是一種對日後如何處分的聲明,以及潛在性於未來轉讓的承諾,而非當下的自動轉讓。
On its face, paragraph 1 of bylaw 3.10 does not unambiguously constitute either a present automatic assignment or a promise to assign in the future. It does not say, for example, that the inventor “will assign” the patent rights—language that this court has previously held to constitute an agreement to assign rather than a present assignment. Nor does it say that the inventor “agrees to grant and does hereby grant” title to the patent—language that this court has previously held to constitute a present automatic assignment of a future interest.
按字面上來說,細則第 3.10 條第 1 項並未明確構成「當下自動的轉讓」或是「未來轉讓的承諾」。例如,合約文字沒有說發明人「將會轉讓」專利權——這樣的文字,按本院先前的判斷,會認為屬於一種轉讓的同意,而非當下的轉讓。同時,合約文字也沒有說發明人「同意授予且在此授予」專利所有權——此種文字,按本院先前的判斷,會認為代表了未來利益在當下即自動予以轉讓。
「 shall be 」「應屬於」這樣的合約文句是有很大的模糊空間的,因為它既不使用對「未來承諾」的「will」未來式助動詞,也不使用明示「在當下授予」的「hereby grant」這種現在式動詞文字,日後要解釋生效時點,實在麻煩。更何況,法律文句的撰寫,如果能使用主動語態就盡量不要用被動語態,這樣就不用去推測是「誰」要讓「什麼」發生。
進一步的探討,細則中這句關鍵句「Patents … shall be the property of the University.」根據 Ken Adams 的說法,屬於一種「政策性語句( language of policy)」,作為一種規範雙方應該如何的文字,法律行為在當下並沒有成立,詳細的內容,建議閱讀合約文字經典大作 A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting 作者的《審閱時務必小心的合約語言種類爭議》(The “Categories of Contract Language” Issues to Focus on When You’re Reviewing Contracts)一文,無庸置疑,就是乾貨滿滿一牛車。
建議各位處理合約的法務同仁們,下次在權利移轉這種大事上,小心慎用「shall 」這個字!