從約翰葛里遜小說看美國律師的夢想金礦案:集體侵權訴訟 Why Mass Tort Cases Are Lawyers’ Gold Mines from John Grisham's The Litigators Book?


春節期間,最適合來讀一讀平常想碰卻沒時間的小說。說到大部分的法律驚悚小說 Legal thriller 都聚焦在刑案上,畢竟那種挖掘真凶、有罪無罪一線隔的緊張感通常較能讓人心跳加快。不過,最近我看了一本 John Grisham 約翰葛里遜寫的民事案件法律小說《The Litigators》,一路讀來也讓人拍案叫絕呢!尤其描寫書中主角之一的 Wally 想搭上集體訴訟大案順風車的心態,以及律師間怎麼談分錢算數學,實在讓人看得心頭癢癢,現在就來邊看原文邊嗑瓜吧。

英文街頭小案 Street law 有哪些?

三十年來要倒不倒、遊走在法律邊緣的小型事務所 Finley & Figg,簡稱FF,原文說「Their scam was hustling injury cases」就是在講「他們老找傷害索賠當案源」,兩位合夥人Oscar & Wally 基本上就是「Ambulance chaser 追著救護車找客戶」,看看他們辦的街頭小案 Street law 有哪些:

  • Fender benders 輕微車禍案件

  • Slip-and-fall 消費者在營業場所受傷案件

  • Past-due accounts receivable 催收帳款

  • Quickie divorces 快速離婚案件

  • Will and testament 預立遺囑

  • DUI—Driving under the influence 酒後駕駛

為什麼集體侵權訴訟案 Mass tort cases 可以是律師的大金礦?

不同於年過 60 的 Oscar Finley 總想著要退休,另一個合夥人Wally Figg 想要的可是上電視、做大案子 hit it big!!而他的築夢計畫便是「Mass tort cases 集體侵權訴訟案」,我們來看看原文,他是怎麼計畫他的撈錢之路的:

“That’s my point, Oscar. We have got to get serious about these mass tort cases. This is where the money is. Millions in fees paid by companies that make billions in profits.” . “We get us a few of these cases, then hook up with the mass tort specialists, give them a piece of the cake, then ride their coattails until they settle, and we walk away with a truckload. It’s easy money。

這裡 Wally 跟他的合夥人 Oscar 說:

  • That’s my point. 我說的就是這個 。

  • We have got to get serious about these mass tort cases. 我們必須認真對待這些集體侵權案件。

  • This is where the money is. 這就是錢坑。

  • Millions in fees paid by companies that make billions in profits. 那些賺幾十億的公司來付我們幾百萬。

  • We get us a few of these cases 我們弄到幾個這樣的案件

  • hook up with the mass tort specialists 與大規模集體訴訟案的專家聯手

  • give them a piece of the cake 跟他們分分紅

  • ride their coattails until they settle 一路搭著他們的順風車直到和解達成

  • and we walk away with a truckload 然後我們就帶著一大筆錢走人。

  • It’s easy money 好賺到不行啦!

一個藥物過失致死案 A wrongful death case 賠多少?

後來,Wally 總算找到了一間製藥公司當箭靶子,瞄準了降血壓的藥物 Krayoxx,在還沒有任何專家進行正式調查前,我們來看看他們發財夢裡數學計算過程:

The lawyers were speculating that a wrongful death case involving the drug could potentially be worth $2 to $4 million. The lawyers would take 40 percent, and of course, have to share their fee with other tort firm spearheading the litigation. Still, after all the fee splitting, the drug was a gold mine.

  • A wrongful death case involving the drug could potentially be worth $2 to $4 million 一件涉及藥物過失致死案可能值200萬到400萬美元。

  • The lawyers would take 40 percent 律師抽四成

注意!本書關鍵字來啦!「fee splitting 抽成」,他們得跟其他的主導侵權訴訟律所分抽成,這裡就是上文的 「share their fee with other tort firm spearheading the litigation 」,不過想想,如果真如他們所想,只要找到受害人 Victim 就可以分錢,這種案子對他們可真是一個 a gold mine 一座金礦呢!

小律所 VS 大律所的分錢 Fee splitting 大計:

接著,Wally 找上了一間大型事務所,畢竟要找上實際有出庭經驗的訴訟律師 Trial Lawyer,被告藥廠才可能會考慮和解還是訴訟。這裡我們來看看 Wally 與訴訟律師 Jerry 間的對話:

Wally: “My contracts provide for a contingency fee of 40 percent. How much do you want?”

Wally 說:我的合約讓我抽四成。那你要多少?

接著,我們看看書中這個長期找上藥廠的大律師 Jerry,是怎麼跟這種負責找原告的小律師們打交道:

Jerry: “In our typical deal, we front the expenses, and these are not cheap cases. We find the doctors, experts, researchers, whomever, and they cost a fortune. We take half the fee, 20 percent, but the expenses are paid back to us before any split of the fee.”

Jerry 怎麼說呢?

  • In our typical deal 在我們典型的交易中

  • we front the expenses 我們會預付費用

這裡預付的費用包括像是要給 doctors, experts, researchers 之類的,而且「 whomever, they cost a fortune 無論是誰,都收很貴。」,所以呢,「We take half the fee, 20 percent, but the expenses are paid back to us before any split of the fee 我們抽兩成,但是費用在任何分紅之前都要先償還給我們。」

對只想搭便車的 Wally ,當然是對這個交易點頭啦,他說:“That sounds fair. What’s our role in this?” (這聽起來很合理。那我們扮演什麼角色呢?)

我們來看看這裡大律師 Jerry 還有什麼事情要交代呢?

  • "Find more cases, death and non-death. Round ’em up… The next big step is the creation of an MDL—multi-district litigation.

  • The court will appoint a plaintiff’s trial committee, usually five or six seasoned lawyers who will control the litigation. That panel is entitled to an additional fee, usually around 6 percent, and this comes off the top and out of the lawyers’ portion.”

第一,Find more cases, death and non-death. Round ’em up. 去給我找案子,死亡還非死亡的,全部都要。

第二,對於這種 「MDL—multi-district litigation 多區訴訟案」,美國聯邦法院會找「seasoned lawyers 有經驗的律師們」「appoint a plaintiff’s trial committee 指派為原告委員會」。

第三,當然啦,天底下當然沒有白吃的午餐,這個「 Panel 委員會」要分的部分可是「this comes off the top and out of the lawyers’ portion 全體律師後酬中的 6% 」囉!


Wally 回去交代後,合夥人 Oscar 便開始掐指算算究竟可以分多少:

"It says that we get a fee of 40 percent on each case, half of which goes to them. But in the fine print it says that a fee of 6 percent is paid to the Plaintiffs’ Litigation Committee, and the 6 percent comes off the top of the settlement and out of our portion. So, as I figure it, we lose 6 percent off the top, and that gives us 34 percent to split with Jerry."

  • get a fee of 40 percent on each case 在每個案件上我們可分四成,呃,不過「half of which goes to them」這四成的一半要給他們。

  • 再來,「in the fine print 暗藏在小字眼的款項裡」這個片語就有點諷刺的意味了, Oscar 挺不開心「that a fee of 6 percent is paid to the Plaintiffs’ Litigation Committee 還有 6% 要給原告委員會」——而且,「 the 6 percent comes off the top of the settlement and out of our portion.」這 6% 是最先從和解金扣除,也就是說,從我們的部分中扣除。

所以,按 Oscar 的理解,「we lose 6 percent off the top, and that gives us 34 percent to split with Jerry 咱們一開始分錢就會少了 6%,然後拿剩下的 34% 去跟 Jerry 平分。」

這個數學題終於解開啦!FF 事務所最後拿到的是一個案子的 17% — 不過,各位讀者,若有興趣想知道,這到頭來是真的一個金礦錢坑,還是一場巨大的災難臨頭,我非常推薦去看這本難得全書只談民事案件,劇情好笑又心酸的小說《The Litigators 訟棍們》!